Tspsc gives maximum 2 days to submit any missing form in date of certification
All mark sheets must be original and also Xerox to be submitted to them. Failing to show original mark sheet will fail verification
For recent year graduates whose convocation not completed l, its not mandatory, for older students it's mandatory
If it is in same school and same area, it's not a problem
If you studied in same school from 4th to 7th then it's not a problem.
As you have already filled school in application form, you can simply write a note that school is closed and you studied particular class in that school and get it signed from MEO for safety.
if income is less than 8 lakhs, you can get NCL certificate
No need. If it's given by Telangana govt, old certificate also works for verification
Notification financial year only required. So take this year only. Don't wait till verification