Name of the Post : Deputy Surveyors in Survey Settlement and Land Records Dept.
Pay scale:22,460-66,330/-
Educational Qualification:
2) Must have obtained National Council of Vocational Training Certificate in Draughtsman (Civil) Trade (Two years Course
with Surveying as one of the subject in any Industrial Training Institute recognized by the Government of India).
Must have passed ITI (Civil Draughtsman)
Intermediate Vocational (Construction Technology)
AGE: Minimum 18 years & Maximum 44* years
Exam Pattern:
Paper: General Knowledge and Civil (I.T.I Trade)
General Knowledge:
1. Current affairs.
2. International Relations and Events.
3. General Science in everyday life.
4. Environmental Issues and Disaster Management.
5. Geography and Economy of India and Telangana.
6. Indian Constitution: Salient Features.
7. Indian Political System and Government.
8. Modern Indian History with a focus on Indian National Movement.
9. History of Telangana and Telangana Movement.
10. Society, Culture, Heritage, Arts and Literature of Telangana.
11. Policies of Telangana State.
Civil (I.T.I. Trade)
1. Engineering Drawing: Drawing instruments, Lettering, Construction of Plane Geometrical figures – Spiral and Helix. Scales- Different of types of scales,
Projections – Methods as per IS, Projections of Points, Planes and solids, Sections of solids., Isometric views, CAD commands, editing & printing of CAD
drawings, Software-word processing.
2. Building Materials- Clay products- Bricks, Tiles, Stoneware. Brick and Stone, Timber, Glass, Paints, Cement, Concrete
3. Construction of building –Names of different parts of building, SequencingFoundation, DPC, Superstructure, Brick bonds – Scaffolding, Formwork, Pointing,
Plastering. Curing. Doors and Windows- parts. Stair cases-terms, types. Roofs-types, Pitched roofs – various types – parts of pitched roofs, Multi-floored
buildings, Earthquake resistant buildings, Arches, White washing, Distempering.
4. Concreting: Ingredients Mixing, Tests on Concrete- Reinforcement, Bar-bending Schedule, Flooring, Types of floorings, Lintels. RCC- Advantages over plane
concrete, Reinforcement, Scheduling.
5. Surveying: Types of Surveying, Instruments, Conventional signs, Field books – Chain survey – offsets, cross staff survey, locating details, Plotting. Compass survey – bearings, local attraction, declination. Plane tabling -methods, instruments used in plane table survey, Lehman’s rule.
6. Levelling and Basics of Modern surveying: Leveling Instruments Contour plotting, Earthwork calculation, Theodolite – horizontal and Vertical angle measurements, setting out of building works. Total Station, EDM, Global Positioning System, Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing and its uses.
7. Roads, Railways and Bridges: – Alignment, Classification and construction of different roads- Indian Railways their gauges. Bridges – Components, Types, Location of Bridges and Culverts
8. Irrigation: Hydrology – Duty, Delta, Base period – Runoff, Catchment area, Dams – Types, Storage / Diversion head works, Canal Structures, Cross drainage works- types, Capacity of Reservoir, Crops – Rabi and Kharif, CCA
9. Principles of Building Planning and Building Services: Orientation and local bye-laws including IS Codes. Master Plan- key elements, Safety precautions and
elementary first aid, Sanitary and Water Supply System – fixtures, pipe specials, Electrification to buildings
10. Building Estimation: Types, Specifications and Analysis of Rates. Software used in estimation, MS Excel, Basics in Computer Knowledge, Editing and
printing Documents.